Rain has caused delay. The slab is poured at the first opportunity of clear weather.
4” of concrete poured on 10″ of EPS foam.
Dan Gregg brought in extra hands for the slab pour.
Dan and Rich from Dan Gregg foundations.
Clearing our in-floor electrical outlet.
Slab finishing.
Edge polishing.
Dan Gregg spent the day polishing the floor.
The finished slab with expansion joints cut in place.
The rain returned at the end of the day.
Tag Archives: Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam
Stacks of rigid foam insulation
The blocks are 10 inches thick by 14 feet long. After the foundation is sealed, the blocks will be attached to the outside of the wall from the footing up to the sill. This will complete the outside layer of insulation that completely separates the foundation from the surrounding soil. Blocks will also go under the slab. The white foam is EPS. The darker blocks are Neopor from BASF, a graphite-enhanced EPS with higher R-value.